IB Certs

Certifications pertaining to the International Baccalaureate with the latest certifications listed first.  The list includes:

  1. IB Certificate of Attendance for DP English B Cat 1. 
  2. IB Certificate of Attendance for Making the PYP Happen Cat. 1. 
  3. IB Certificate of Attendance for PYP Head of School Cat. 1. 
  4. IB Certificate in Leadership Practice issued by the Education University of Hong Kong. 
  5. IB Certificate of Completion for Language Acquisition: Implementing the MYP Curriculum Cat. 1. 

Note. Clicking on the certificate image will open a larger image in a new tab. 

DP Language B Cat 1.
Making the PYP Happen
PYP Head of School
Language Acquisition: Implementing the MYP.