Japan International Schools Technology Group Presentation

Golden Week Cometh and Documentation Progress -eth? Well, time to document some previous projects and point to potential future goals since having more time in my new role as Head of External Affairs & ICT Coordinator in 2023 at Capital Tokyo International School. Also organizing and cleaning up research projects in the home office during Golden Week 2023 so just had to document! 

A few years ago, I presented what the library team had done at Aoba Japan International School with the ICT team at the annual Japan International School Technology Group or JISTG Job Alike. This year’s job alike was at Yokohama International School. 

2023 YIS Event Posting: https://www.yis.ac.jp/community/events/jistg

2023 Event Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1olkFpNRnKR3d-JCkp_YSx3jWQpurNNdRNARC1FBn_l8/edit?usp=sharing

I have heard througth the grape vine that next years host school will be Aoba Japan International School. Looking forward to seeing what people are presenting and sharing!

Distributed Library Presentation

The quick summary is we solved a few issues with multiple campus with libraries and how to provide eBooks to students inside a Learning Management Systems, in the case here, Canvas. 

Take Aways:

  1. You can use Follett Destiny as a hub to manage multiple sublocations (libraries) that are distributed through one school building or located in different campuses.
  2. Cross references between eBooks and physical books is done by default but can be customized with the eBook platform of MackinVia. 
  3. This solves a sticky wicket issue of how to provided content, in this case fiction and non-fiction books, for English Langauge Learners (EALs) when creating an online course in the humanities. 
  4. The MackinVIA app may work on different LMSs. Moodle is listed as one on the webpage here: https://www.eduappcenter.com/apps/548#.ZFXUSOxBxcA

Note: I mistakenly refered to an LIT in the presentation when I meant LTI, Learning Tool Interoperability!

I also had to upload some MARC records to get more of the eBooks to link up with Follett that were in MackinVIA, e.g. Broken Wish

Shout outs to Jennifer Clark and Grant Haggerty for participating! 

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